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Creating Customer Loyalty Through Custom Packaging This Sales Season
eCommerce Insights
article • Sep 26 - 4 min read

Creating Customer Loyalty Through Custom Packaging This Sales Season

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inke packaging

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eCommerce Insights

The holiday season is a pivotal time for businesses, marked by Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. It's a time when customers are on the lookout for the best deals and the most memorable shopping experiences. In such a competitive landscape, it's essential for brands to make a lasting impression. 

One powerful way to achieve this is through custom packaging. Statistics show that during the Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) sales season, 55% of customers are new or first-time purchasers. Custom packaging, with its ability to create an unforgettable first impression, becomes a crucial tool in winning customer loyalty during this season.

The Power of Custom Packaging for BFCM

Custom packaging has come a long way from being a mere functional necessity to becoming a strategic branding tool. Today, it's not just about the product inside; it's about the entire unboxing experience. Let's explore some of the key trends in custom packaging that can help your brand stand out during the holiday season.

Personalisation is the name of the game when it comes to custom packaging. Customers love feeling special and appreciated. Brands can use personalised packaging to add a unique touch to each order, from printing the customer's name to including a thank-you note. During the holiday season, this personal touch goes a long way in building emotional connections with customers.

Packaging that tells a story or shares the brand's journey can create a deeper connection with customers. Use custom packaging to narrate your brand's values, mission, and the craftsmanship behind your products. Storytelling packaging can leave a lasting impression and make customers feel like they are a part of your brand's journey.


The PR and Marketing Power of Custom Packaging

Custom packaging is not just a logistical choice; it's a strategic move that can work wonders for your public relations (PR) and marketing efforts. Here's how:

Instagrammable Unboxing Experiences: In the age of social media, customers love to share their purchases online. Unique and visually appealing custom packaging can encourage customers to share their unboxing experiences on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. This user-generated content serves as free promotion for your brand and can attract new customers.

Viral Marketing Potential: A well-designed custom packaging can become a viral sensation. Familiar with the success of Frank Body when they launched? Custom packaging that stands out can generate buzz and become a talking point, leading to increased visibility and brand recognition.

Increased Brand Recall: Custom packaging can make your brand more memorable. When customers receive a beautifully packaged product, they are more likely to remember your brand and return for future purchases. This heightened brand recall can boost customer loyalty during and beyond the holiday season.

Customer Loyalty Programs: Use custom packaging to implement loyalty programs. Include special offers, discounts, or referral codes inside the packaging to incentivise repeat purchases and referrals. This not only increases sales but also fosters a sense of belonging among your customers.

Winning the Hearts of New Customers

During BFCM and Christmas, brands are often dealing with a significant influx of new customers. Custom packaging can be the secret ingredient that wins the hearts of these newcomers. Here's how:

Creating a Memorable First Impression: As the saying goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Custom packaging is your opportunity to create a memorable first impression. When a new customer receives a beautifully packaged product, it sets a positive tone for their entire shopping experience.

Differentiation in a Crowded Marketplace: The holiday season sees a surge in promotional activities, with countless brands vying for attention. Custom packaging sets your brand apart from the competition. It communicates that your brand is dedicated to delivering an exceptional experience, making new customers more likely to choose you over others.

Building Trust: Trust is a crucial factor in customer loyalty. When new customers receive a well-packaged product, it signals professionalism and care. This initial trust can lay the foundation for a long-term relationship with your brand.

Encouraging Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Happy customers are more likely to recommend your brand to their friends and family. When new customers have a positive unboxing experience, they are more inclined to share it with their social circles, potentially bringing in more customers.


Custom packaging is not just a pretty wrapping; it's a strategic tool that can help your brand build customer loyalty during the sales season of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. It aligns with the latest packaging trends, amplifies your PR and marketing efforts, and wins the hearts of new customers by creating a memorable first impression. 

Remember, in a competitive marketplace, the little extra effort you put into your packaging can make all the difference in creating lasting customer loyalty. This holiday season, make your custom packaging your brand's secret weapon for success.

Easily discover and create your best first impression for sales season with a range of custom packaging options available to shop today.

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